Use "heterotroph|heterotrophs" in a sentence

1. When autotrophs are eaten by heterotrophs, i.e., consumers such as animals, the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins contained in them become energy sources for the heterotrophs.

2. Other organisms, called heterotrophs, take in autotrophs as food to carry out functions necessary for their life.

3. These organisms are formally referred to as heterotrophs, which include animals, some bacteria and fungi.

4. The organic compounds are used by heterotrophs to produce energy and to build body structures.

5. Heterotrophs obtain energy by breaking down organic molecules (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) obtained in food.

6. Consumers (heterotrophs) are species that cannot manufacture their own food and need to consume other organisms.

7. Under oxic conditions, respiration by native aerobic heterotrophs produces excess carbon dioxide that promotes calcite and dolomite dissolution.

8. method used for determining the number of heterotrophs in the seawater (plate count method or alternative procedure) (optional);

9. Ecologists can broadly group all life forms into one of two trophic layers, the autotrophs and the heterotrophs.

10. The flavobacterium is still a heterotroph as it needs reduced carbon compounds to live and cannot subsist on only light and CO2.

11. Moreover, the effects of different heterotroph-Cyanobacterium ratio (1:1, 1:10 and 1:100) on the growth of Cyanobacterium on BG 11 agar medium were studied (Fig

12. Chemoheterotrophs (or chemotrophic heterotrophs) (Gr: Chemo (χημία) = chemical, hetero (ἕτερος) = (an)other, troph (τροφιά) = nourishment) are unable to fix carbon to form their own organic compounds.

13. Iron-oxidizing autotrophs and acidophilic heterotrophs were quantified at an incubation temperature of 18 °C in several samples obtained from the bioleaching areas of two uranium mines in Ontario, Canada.

14. Cherts often have an “indirect” biogenic origin as they result from re-precipitation of dissolved opal-A shells derived from microorganisms such as diatoms (diatomite , diatomaceous Cherts, see also entry “ Diatoms ”) and radiolarians (radiolarite , see also entry “ Protozoa (Heterotroph, Eukaryotic) ”).